This is the beginning of my level; you have your first
pickup in front of you and the rest you’ll have to find on your own. There is a
gui label count on the top left of the screen and a quit button to exit at all
times. To keep the game interesting i added some fog to add a bit of difficulty
but not too much and a 90 second timer to complete the level, hence where i
came up with the name of my game (Save The Universe In 90's). I done a lot of time testing to figure out how much time
is necessary but still challenging enough to have fun.
As you can see the closer you get the pickup the brighter it gets. After playing the game multiple times i have decided to make the planets hover and spin on the spot to give the game a better feel instead of it just being an ordinary object stuck in place.
As shown
some pickups were visible and easily found where as others were hidden behind
walls or under paths to add difficulty. In this case it was Uranus that was
hidden under the walk path on the way to the finish point.
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